Today we did the Vatican. It was much, much larger than I thought it would be. I could not believe it’s enormity. And built in the 1500’s… it’s just amazing. It took 120 years just to build the basilica that is the main gather place. Designed by numerous people including Rafael, Michelangelo and Bernini. Bernini did most of the sculptures. Bernini is my favorite sculpter so far. His work is great and so amazingly detailed. I’ve really enjoyed seeing all of the Caravagio paintings as well. They both have made me excited again about art. Anyways, our docent Tim, gave us a very nice tour of the Vatican. He gave us just enough history to not be overwhelming but very informative. 5 hours blew by quickly. I learned how important Julius II was. We saw the sisteen chapel which blew me away. Taking nearly 12 years to complete, Michelangelo has such amazing abilities to tell a story through one huge image. I was flattered by the enormity and the richness of the colors of that ceiling. What an honor to get to see that. Definitely amazing in it’s vastness.
After the Vatican, we had lunch with Tim and we all had pizza. Pam, Jan and I walked from there to do a bit of shopping. We picked up some brown boots for Jan and some candies and gifts for others. We headed back to the Visconti Palace Hotel and dropped off our things and were on to piazza del pompello. This is a large square that has multiple fountains and lots of people. We wanted to make sure we got to see 2 additional Carravaggio paintings before we left Rome. We’ve seen so many of them and I would love to get to see ALL of them. The two we saw at St. Maria’s Basilica were the one of Peter being crucified upside down and the one of Saul, falling from his horse and God’s light shining down on him. Now we’re headed to dinner with Diane and Dave.
9 years ago